Awesome Eclair cake

Serving 12
2 vanilla pudding pouches
3 cup milk
1 whipped cream 8 ounces

Mix together

1 chocolate frosting
3 packs graham crackers

Get a 9×13 pan and layer w crackers. Spread half of the mixed ingredients. Then layer crackers on top. Put the remaining spread. Then layer it wirh crackers. Heat the frosting for 15-30 sec. And pour on top of the crackers. Spread it on and leave it in the fridge from 6-24 hrs.

7 months

Baby Aida is now 7 months. I am still pureeing since the chocking incident. Not going to baby led wean anytime soon. Its so weird though how babies develop. Even when i started puree at 5.5 months she wasn’t eating well. But right when she hit the time she is supposed to be ready, (6 month). she started eating like a champ. Same for crawling, sitting up, standing up! I cant wait for all the other milestones. Its a gift to be going through all these great wonderful moments, cherish them while they last!


Chocking:/ baby led weaning

So i stopped baby led weaning. Unfortunately my Aida
Gagged to many times and almost chocked once. It is a wonderful idea but i think its like trying to teach your baby how to walk when he is not even ready to crawl. My girl is super independent and thats why i started her on table foods, so she can choose what she wants to eat off her plate. But unfortunately she is not ready. Back to puree!


Baby led weaning first week

Broccoli. She loves it!!!

Baby led weaning is basically skipping puree and starting with solids. Steaming the food that needs it and making sure your baby can feed himself and is overall ready. I started a couple of weeks ago but she wasn’t really interested. Then started again today and she is doing great!




Awesome chocolaty truffles

24 small truffles
1/2 a pack of Oreo 16 ounce pack
1/2 8 ounce cream cheese
Any baking chocolate 8 ounces preferably semi sweet.

In a ziplock bag crush Oreos to pieces then mix gradually in cream cheese in blender. Leave some crushed Oreo for the toppings
After mixed make small balls and put in the fridge for 30 mins.

Melt the chocolate and cover the ball with it chocolate and crushed Oreos. Put back in fridge for an hour. Then serve yummmy


Liebster Award

Just got nominated by The Archibald Files | Mother of Dragons thank you :)))

The Liebster Award is given to
new bloggers with less than 200 followers. So they can be exposed to the world of bloggers. There is ten questions i will be answering and after that i will be nominating ten bloggers. Whoever i nominate will have to make up ten new questions!

Here are the questions.

What would you do with one extra hour in your day?
An extra hour given to me would be a blessing. Especially because im a new mom. A 6 month old is hard work. You need time and patience. So i would probably use that hour for me time. Since ive had my baby i have no me time whats so ever. Its always family time.

I would probably take a bath, read a book, learn to crochet. Whatever i want with out my baby.

What does your ideal home look like?
I would love a small victorian house. So it would probably be big enough for my family of three but still small and cute.

Who is your favourite Simpsonโ€™s character and why? I love maggie Simpson. Maggie is the youngest in the family and she inspires her dad to do his best. I also have my baby wear a Simpson onesie.

What is your go-to outfit when you just canโ€™t be bothered?
Just my favorite long burgundy pj top ( i wear it as a dress)

Where and with who was your first-kiss? I prefer not to answer ๐Ÿ™‚

If you could meet one celebrity who would it be and why? Probably john Travolta because he was my favorite actor during mu childhood.

Do you prefer boobies or bum?
I prefer my boobies ๐Ÿ™‚

What is your favourite recipe to cook? Beef stroganoff
I have it on my blog. Its my husbands favorite too ๐Ÿ™‚

Do you prefer dogs or cats? Why? Dogs because there are extremely friendly and love people. Although i don’t have one but will in the future.

If you could change your name, what would you change it too? Heather ๐Ÿ™‚


Yummy Sloppy joe from scratch

Yummy Sloppy joes

Serving size: 3
Prep: 10 min
Cooking time: 30 min


1 lb. ground beef
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/4 onion
1/4 green bell pepper
3/4 cup ketchup
1 tsp mustard
3 tsp brown sugar

On medium heat brown beef and onion and bell pepper.

When finished mix in brown sugar, garlic powder, ketchup and mustard. Simmer for 30 min. Serve with bread

My Partner in crime

My partner in crime is officially 6 months old. We are half way to one and i cant wait! Its so weird how this small little creature changed everything in my life. I was reborn the day she was born. She gave me a new meaning in this world. She motivates me to be a better person. I want to be the best for her. So she can grow up knowing her mama did her best and it was all for her.

I love you so much
my sweetie pie Aida.





Clueless is exactly how i feel while being a mother. Somedays i feel like I’m on top of the world. Especially after seeing my sweet baby’s smile. Other days I’m lost, confused and scared. I try my best to give her the world. But having a baby is hard work. You don’t really know what your doing. You just try to do your best.
Things happen and as humans we make mistakes but as long as we try to do our best for the people we love, than thats more than enough!

