Liebster Award

Just got nominated by The Archibald Files | Mother of Dragons thank you :)))

The Liebster Award is given to
new bloggers with less than 200 followers. So they can be exposed to the world of bloggers. There is ten questions i will be answering and after that i will be nominating ten bloggers. Whoever i nominate will have to make up ten new questions!

Here are the questions.

What would you do with one extra hour in your day?
An extra hour given to me would be a blessing. Especially because im a new mom. A 6 month old is hard work. You need time and patience. So i would probably use that hour for me time. Since ive had my baby i have no me time whats so ever. Its always family time.

I would probably take a bath, read a book, learn to crochet. Whatever i want with out my baby.

What does your ideal home look like?
I would love a small victorian house. So it would probably be big enough for my family of three but still small and cute.

Who is your favourite Simpson’s character and why? I love maggie Simpson. Maggie is the youngest in the family and she inspires her dad to do his best. I also have my baby wear a Simpson onesie.

What is your go-to outfit when you just can’t be bothered?
Just my favorite long burgundy pj top ( i wear it as a dress)

Where and with who was your first-kiss? I prefer not to answer 🙂

If you could meet one celebrity who would it be and why? Probably john Travolta because he was my favorite actor during mu childhood.

Do you prefer boobies or bum?
I prefer my boobies 🙂

What is your favourite recipe to cook? Beef stroganoff
I have it on my blog. Its my husbands favorite too 🙂

Do you prefer dogs or cats? Why? Dogs because there are extremely friendly and love people. Although i don’t have one but will in the future.

If you could change your name, what would you change it too? Heather 🙂


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